Congratulations 2019/20 Championship Qualifiers we are excited to finally close out our season and recognize your success and award over $12,000 in scholarships and prizes.
This season we have expanded the Scholarship award to (1st Place – $4,000 • 2nd Place – $3,000 • 3rd Place – $2,500 • 4th Place – $1,500 • 5th Place – $1,000)
To confirm you have qualified check here
With so many changes and unknowns this year we are Blessed to be able to hold the Championship tournament on Lake Buchanan. There will be some changes and processes that we must adhere to in order to provide a safe event and be within guidelines of Local and State ordinances. This also will ensure the safety of our students, captains, and FAN Staff in addition to protecting all of our families.
One of the biggest changes is in our morning check-in and launch procedure. Trailering will be allowed and highly suggested (We probably need to explain what this means) ex: This means you are free to launch at the ramp of your choice. There are several boat ramps available to avoid larger groups and lines at any one ramp. There will not be a physical check-in location that morning.
You may launch from your chosen ramp as early as 5AM, however you may not start fishing until FIRST CAST at 7AM We will have a prayer and National Anthem on Facebook Live prior to 7am.
Off Limits will begin September 6th 11.59PM until tournament day 5am all other FAN rules will apply.
Last cast will be 2PM and you will have 1 hour to get to the weigh in location.
Please be mindful of the time required to get boats on trailers and get to the weigh in location.
Weigh In Location will be at the Cross and Spurs Cowboy Church
100 Lillian Dean
Buchanan Dam, TX 78609
Scales will be open at noon and will close at 4PM
This will be a drive through weigh in and there will not be flights. Each team will remain with their boat as they approach the stage and a FAN Staffer will ask you to remove your fish from the live well (we will have a photo opportunity) then hand your bag to the FAN attendant for bump and weight. You will then be free to leave however we will ask the top 5 teams as we progress to stay. (two teams will be Polygraphed) We are being asked for all teams to remain in their vehicle during the weigh process and not congregate in front of the stage.
After the scales close, we will announce the top 5 teams and award Scholarship letters and prizes. If you choose to leave, we will make arrangements for you to receive your awards.
Captains drawing will be held, and we will notify the winners and make arrangements to receive your prizes

EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN AT THE END OF THE TOURNAMENT – If you choose not to come to weigh please text us you are off the water. NO EXCEPTIONS
Everyone to register online by September 5th.
All FAN Anglers must be registered to the FAN GroupMe App and check-in with text messaging when prompted by FAN on the morning of the tournament.
Register for GroupMe here.
Qualifiers Register online HERE You do not need to proceed to PayPal after you submit FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS CLICK HERE
Check out the new FAN TV – Subscribe and like us on FB for all the latest news and updates.
Faith Angler Network is an All-Volunteer 501©3 non-profit organization serving the Central Texas Area with Youth Fishing Events/ Charity Events/ Military Supported and Awareness Events. For more details please visit our Website Facebook