Congrats to Tom Martens and Bryan Cotter for a Lake Belton Big sack of 17.13 and a rare 10.13 large mouth – GREAT JOB GUYS – with a seriously destroyed lower unit. Special thanks go to Travis Jones Jr. and Randy Roe for assisting Tom Martens get their fish to the scales in time.
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1. Bryan Cotter/ Tom Martens 17.13 Big Bass10.13
2. JeffPitrucha/ Ronnie Trower 13.90
3. LeeBeuershausen/ Charles Whited 9.63
4. BlakeDillard/Lance Dillard 9.46
5. TysonDever/Mike Hastings 9.39
6. AdrianSanchez/Mike Richardson 8.68
7. KevinPederzani/Derrell Hickma 8.64
8. JosephKennedy/Glyn Kennedy 8.58
9. VicintaStafford/Jason Stafford 8.57
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