Lake Belton, TX
OCTOBER 19-20, 2012
7th Annual Fishing for Freedom Bass Tournament
Registration will start on-line Sept. 1, 2012
September 15
10:00 am-4:00 pm
Academy Sports & Outdoors In-Store Registration
Waco, Temple, Killeen Locations
Check out this site anytime on or after 1 Sept. to find the link to register on-line.  Boaters will be randomly matched up with non-boaters based on the time they enter. To make the event fair for all participants you will not be able to pick your partner. We will take the first 300 registrants for boaters and non-boaters and then if we get more we will put these on a standby list. Our goal is to leave no active duty member of the military or veteran behind. The boater may be a civilian but the non-boater must be active duty or a veteran.