Jun 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
If you have children that enjoy fishing, then FSA might be for you.
May 14, 2012 | FAN Announcements
Lake Buchanan will reveal the AOY and set the stage for the 2012 Championship May 19, 2012 We are proud to announce an additional $500.00 winner payout. Brought to you by: TEXAS BOAT WORLD FAN will award the Lake Buchanan winning team and additional $500...
May 7, 2012 | FAN Announcements
The Retired Colonels Team of Bill Shelnutt IX and David Titus make a statement on Lake Travis and win with 19.12 pounds. And a whopping 4 pound advantage over the second place team. The Pre-Tournament meeting and Dinner was a complete success at Hill Country Bible...
Apr 16, 2012 | FAN Announcements
Faith Angler Network Tackles Lake Travis April 28th 2012 for the 3rd point’s event of the Season We are proud to announce an additional $500.00 winner payout. Brought to you by: FAN will award the Lake Travis winning team and additional $500 Sponsor...
Mar 29, 2012 | FAN Announcements
Jason Stafford and John Ratliff Win the Faith Angler Network Lake LBJ event with 18.65 pounds What a wonderful day to be on the water, with calm winds and mid 80 degree weather made the FAN tournament on Lake LBJ one to remember, especially after the near freezing...